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Mi misión

Hola. soy cristina Y me apasiona brindar un contenedor empático y de escucha profunda en el que puedas conectarte con tu verdad. A través del trabajo energético y la guía intuitiva, te acompañaré mientras recuperas tu poder personal en tus propias manos para acelerar tu viaje de sanación. 

“I’ve had many Reiki treatments and have also learned to do Reiki healing myself. However, nothing comes close to the value that I got out of a healing session with Christina."

Emma G.

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Hey! I'm Christina.

As a teenager, I was analytical and skeptical, relying on science and reason to understand the world. Still, I couldn't fully quiet my intuition and curiosity to keep seeking by spiritual means. After my first Reiki course, I experienced something I couldn’t explain—a direct felt experience that there was more to reality than what the senses can perceive. This confirmation sparked my journey into Reiki and energy work, supporting profound healing from childhood trauma and an abusive marriage to a narcissist.


Through years of self-work, I've gained emotional maturity, a deeper connection with my body, and a clearer sense of my needs. I've learned to navigate life with both mental clarity and body awareness, cultivating healthy, authentic relationships built on empathy and non-violent communication.


Now, I'm deeply passionate about creating a loving and accepting space for others, just as I had for my own healing. I would be honored to walk with you on your journey—let’s begin together.

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